I had such a GREAT day today. It wasn't filled with anything super special....it was just one of those days that I found myself breathing easy and enjoying the day.
Our day started early. After breakfast we headed out to run a few errands and then we headed to ROSS. Lately I have been scoring some sweet deals on lots of cute things! Last week I left with a few shopping bags full of stuff that I didn't plan on buying but just couldn't pass up - mostly things for Ilah. When I got Ilah buckled in her carseat, I looked back and snapped this cute picture of our happy, happy girl!

Ilah was so patient and such a good girl when we were out so I got her this "My Little Pony" toy. Looks like a my-little-pony mommy and her baby : ) .... in a car {that looks just like Ilah's riding toy!} with doors that open and close and seats that spin! Fancy fancy! Ha!

Ilah's puppy, Rufea, goes everywhere Ilah does. Did you notice she had it at her side in the first picture? So onto Abuela's house we all went in the early afternoon. I put Ilah down for a nap when we got to my mom's house and then I headed out to Hobby Lobby crossing my fingers that the cupcake decor that I spotted there weeks ago {wanting to get some pieces for Ilah's 2nd Birthday Party} was still on the shelves.

And it was! PTL {Praise the Lord!}. I loaded up my cart with lots of "sweet" cupcake themed pieces {at 50% off! Woo-Hoo!}. I couldn't believe that weeks later, these adorable pieces hadn't been purchased. I had gone to two other Hobby Lobby's and neither of them had these pieces so I was afraid that when I went back to the one by my mom's house, that they wouldn't have them either -
but they did! When I got to the register, I was told that these items were a one time in-stock item and that they would not be getting any more in. I was SO thankful that these cupcake lovelies were still there and that I got them today! Not shown in the pictures below are a few matching cupcake trays and some darling scrapbook paper {in the same color scheme} that I bought to make party hats out of!

I came across these darling cupcake cookies, perfectly matching the color scheme above, and will be making them for Ilah's special day!....

I purchased these mini cupcake wrappers that compliment the color scheme that I am going with. Cupcakes of all sizes, and a variety of flavors, will be homemade by yours truly! I have already started making my list and bookmarking recipes to try!

After a successful shopping trip at Hobby Lobby, I went on to have a relaxing lunch {table for 1 please!} at a yummy Italian eatery located inside of a beautiful forum of shops that is near my moms house. It was such a beautiful day; I ate outside on the patio....

I started off with a glass of Sangria. And let me tell you. It was THE BEST Sangria that I have ever had....

And then out came the bread - with a balsamic and olive oil concoction. I have been having the waiters hold the bread when we eat out - but today...after I saw it....I just couldn't resist. Bad Jessica!!....

For lunch I had a pesto chicken panini with mozarella and tomatoes, with a side caesar salad. Because of how much bread I consumed waiting for my lunch to come out, I removed the bread from my sandwich : )
The food was soooo delicious!!!

While at lunch I noticed there was a Homegoods across the way so after lunch I headed over but it was under construction and wasn't opened yet. I noticed this paper taped up on the inside of the store and took a picture of it. The person who wrote it did a wonderful job of delicately conveying what many may probably feel about the demise of Bin Laden.
Click on picture to enlarge.

While walking away from Homegoods I noticed there was a "Children's Place" across the way. I hopped in real quick to see if they had any white dress shoes that I've been meaning to get for Ilah to wear with her cute little church dresses. They did have some...and they were on sale : ) My mom picked up some ruffle socks to go with them while she was at Macy's this week!....

My last stop of the day was Trader Joes! I hardly ever go there because of how far it is from where I live but I was on that side of town today so I stopped in to pick up a few things.

I got back to my sweet Ilah by 3:30 p.m.; I was only away from her for a few hours. My mom always tells me that there's no need to call two and three times to "check in" when I'm away from her and that I shouldn't pay attention to how long I'm gone....but rather I should just enjoy being out and about. And today I did just that. I exhaled, enjoyed a few hours to myself, and reveled in the lovely day I was having.
Today was a great day. I hope yours was too!
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